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Public Procurement Training : “The Essentials” (30/03/22)

Journée Formation « L'essentiel des Marchés Publics »

On 30 March 2022, Thibault Chevrier will be taking part as a trainer for a day dedicated to understanding the Luxembourg regulations applicable to public contracts – as amended in 2018 – and to looking step by step at the various phases of the process that must be followed as part of a competitive tendering procedure.

In addition to a review of the applicable legal framework, the course will deal with a number of practical problems relating to recurring issues, such as the grounds for rejection decisions, the amendment and termination of contracts in progress, and the possibilities for regularising bids. This will be done through case studies, analysis of administrative court decisions and MCQs.

To attend or for more information on the full programme, please visit the Abilways training institute website:


The next session is scheduled for 1 June 2022.